2022 ABOMR Review Course – Summer

This course is for AAOMR members only.

Part 1, Physics and Radiation Biology – Dr. Sanjay Mallya

The UCLA syllabus outline will be provided to course registrants with the expected topics and knowledge levels. Physics and biology will be covered in a series of three sessions that will last two hours each. MRI topics will not be covered. 

DATES: August 16, 17 and 18 from 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) each day

Part 2, Anatomy – Dr. Dania Tamimi

Pre-recorded sessions covering CBCT anatomy. No live sessions.

Dates: course registrants will be instructed when to contact Dr. Tamimi for a password to access these recordings. Access will be granted till after completion of the Board exam.

Part 2, Pathophysiology – Dr. Mansur Ahmad

3-4 cases ( CBCT, FMX or pano) will be provided to the candidate who will write up the case in their own time. Each case should take no more than 30 mins and there should be no referral to textbooks. Preferably, all the cases should be completed at the same sitting. The candidate will return the write up to Dr. Ahmad as a word document. You may use some other form of identification instead of using your name. Dr. Ahmad will review your write up and return the cases to you with comments. This process will be repeated a few times. Participation is mandatory. 

Dates: course is via correspondence with no specific dates.

Review Course Fees:

  • Part 1 Only: $100
  • Part 2 Anatomy Only: $100
  • Part 2 Pathophysiology Only: $100
  • Part 2 both Anatomy and Pathophysiology: $180
  • Part 1 and Part 2 (all three sessions): $260

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