
Please read the instructions below regarding submission of abstracts


  • Submission Deadline: JULY 20, 2023
  • Selection Notification: On or before August 15, 2023
  • Presentation Date: October 18, 2023 [3:15-5:15 PM]


Abstracts for oral and poster presentations must be written in English and approximately 300 words long.

CASE REPORT/CASE SERIES: Structured abstracts for case reports and case series must include the following abstract headings: Clinical Presentation; Differential Diagnosis; Diagnosis and Management; and Conclusion. The “Clinical Presentation” should describe the clinical and imaging characteristics of the lesion. The “Differential Diagnosis” should list and discuss lesions to be considered as reasonable diagnostic possibilities. The “Diagnosis and Management” should describe the histopathologic findings and the treatment of the patient and response to treatment. And the “Conclusion” should concentrate on the most interesting aspects of the case.

RESEARCH: Structured abstracts for research must include the following abstract headings: Objective; Study Design; Results; and Conclusion. The “Objective” should reflect the purpose of the study, that is, the hypothesis that is being tested. The “Study Design” should include a concise description of the experimental design, and materials and methods. The “Results” should include the outcome of the study and statistical significance if appropriate. And the “Conclusion” should state the significance of the results.

No figures, photos or illustrations are allowed in the abstract. Upon submission, applicants will receive an electronic confirmation that their abstract has been received. Changes to the abstract can be made until the deadline date. Unfinished abstracts will be automatically withdrawn.

Residents, who are the presenting authors, must indicate whether or not they would like their abstract included in the judged competition.

Selections for presentation are made by the Research and Technology Committee and Awards Committee based on the scientific merit and the quality of the writing. Notification regarding the abstract’s acceptance will be sent electronically.

Abstracts will appear in the final program exactly as submitted. Please follow the directions carefully. Abstracts for oral and poster presentations may be published in the online pages of the OOOO Journal and become part of the scientific literature. Therefore, the material presented must not have been published previously.

Abstracts may be rejected for the following reasons:

  • The abstract is incomplete or poorly organized
  • Information is missing (objective, methods, results – data and statistical analysis, conclusions)
  • The subject is not significant
  • The abstract is not original or was already presented, or published
  • The method of obtaining data is not appropriate to the stated problem
  • The conclusions are not supported by the results
  • There are spelling, grammar or syntax errors


A limited number of submissions will be accepted for oral presentation and the remainder of those accepted will be presented using a poster format. The Committees will determine the presentation format for each paper and notify the authors accordingly. To help with the process, you will need to indicate your preference by checking the appropriate category: Oral or Poster Presentation. Because of time constraints, it may not be possible to accommodate all requests for oral presentation. If your abstract is accepted for an Oral Presentation, it MUST be presented in a digital (PowerPoint) format. The presenter may withdraw the abstract if the requested mode of presentation has not been granted.

The participant, when notified of acceptance of the abstract for presentation at the annual meeting, will receive instructions on how to upload their oral presentation and agrees to submit their final PowerPoint presentation no later than the established deadline as stated in the instructions. The presenter, by submission of the abstract, accepts the deadline and acknowledges responsibility for correctness and completeness of the PowerPoint presentation at time of submission. Failure to meet the deadline and formatting requirements may result in removal of the abstract and oral presentation from the program.

For further information or to clarify the information you have read, please contact email: [email protected]


  1. Please read through each step carefully and complete the information required.
  2. Primary authors will be required to create an account at https://aaomr2023.exordo.com. Once a new account is created, you will need to use this login information to get back to an abstract that you began but never finished, to add more submissions, to review your submissions, and to upload your presentation upon acceptance.
  3. You may copy and paste your abstract information in the process. You will NOT be able to upload a pdf document.
  4. As the primary author, you are responsible for making sure that ALL additional authors listed on the abstract do not have any conflicts of interest or disclose at the time of the submission if there are any conflicts of interest.
  5. Submit your abstract electronically before JULY 20, 2023.
  6. All correspondence will be sent to the submitting author. 
  7. Authors will be notified of the status of their abstracts via e-mail on or before August 15th. If your abstract is accepted, this email will include the title of the accepted abstract, as well as the date and time of presentation.
  8. Setup and Tear down times are posted on the Annual Session schedule of events. Poster boards will be 4′ wide x 8′ high.